Luis Praxmarer
I am Luis Praxmarer, an interaction designer based in Zurich. After working in a strategic design agency for two years, I improved my UI-UX, crafting, and prototyping skills during my Interaction Design studies at the Zurich University of the Arts. In my work, I always consider the design of the entire service. Humans or non-humans are at the center, and I ensure they are involved in the process to achieve efficient collaboration using suitable design methods. I like to work according to the double diamond principle and enjoy reflecting on my work to achieve the best possible result.
During my studies, I also discovered my passion for VJing. Starting with Touchdesigner and later with Resolume, I create, under my artist name Pralux, thoughtfully crafted visual compositions that follow the rhythm of the music and gradually change thematically over time.

What I generally like
Rapid Prototyping, Physical Computing, User Flows and Journeys, Participatory Design, Holistic Design Processes, Double Diamond, Service Design, Storytelling, 3D Printing, Laser Cutting
Programms I work with
Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, Indesign, Premiere Pro; Figma; Miro; Cinema4D; Autodesk Fusion; Visual Studio Code; Touchdesigner; Resolume;

Curriculum vitae

Freelance VJ for e.g. Lucky Punch, Naturklang, Lethargy Festival, Tanztrieb and NichtsNeuesKollektiv
since 2023
Freelance Designer for the communications agency ABK 
since 2019
Bachelor of Arts ZHdK in Design, with a Specialization in Interaction Design 
2021 – 2024

Polygraf (print media designer) at the digital design agency Crafft AG 
2019 – 2021

Completed Berufsmaturität (vocational baccalaureate) at the BMS Zurich 
2015 – 2019

Completed apprenticeship as a polygraf at the agency TBS Marken Partner AG 
2015 – 2019

Compulsory education
2006 – 2015

Award Nominees

Swiss Design Association Award Nominee 2024
Bachelor-Project «Selbstbestimmt» 

ZHdK Förderpreis Nominee 2024
Bachelor-Project «Selbstbestimmt»
