Interdisciplinary module | 2023
Team: Charisse de Leon , Elias Abdulamin
Used music in the video: © Imitation by Hedström & Pflug
Team: Charisse de Leon , Elias Abdulamin
Used music in the video: © Imitation by Hedström & Pflug

Mirrorilla was created in collaboration with the Zurich techno club ZUKUNFT. It was part of an interdisciplinary module of the ZHdK with the theme „Phygital“. Since the club will close soon, our goal was to keep ZUKUNFT alive in another dimension without time. This is why we have created an Infinity Mirror. Through a facetracking camera you are connected live with the gorilla head – because of the popular gorilla statue from the entrance area of the club. In addition, the visuals are audio-reactive to the club music and shaking the head starts a trippy sequence.