At Crafft, I have worked for clients in a variety of industries, particularly in editorial, brand and digital publishing. I worked closely with Crafft's consultants and designers, as well as with clients and printers, and took responsibility for the entire production process at Crafft. My area of responsibility essentially included:
Production-orientated project management
Management of media prepress and lithography
Interdisciplinary quality assurance
Customer-related process optimisation in media prepress
Management of media prepress and lithography
Interdisciplinary quality assurance
Customer-related process optimisation in media prepress
Customers and projects
In the field of editorial
Credit Suisse: «Bulletin» and «Values» magazines
ETH Zurich: «Globe» magazine
Kunsthaus Zurich: «Magazine»
Raiffeisen: Magazine «Savoir Faire»
Brot für alle / Fastenopfer: «Magazin»
Betonsuisse: Magazine «Update»
In the field of editorial
Credit Suisse: «Bulletin» and «Values» magazines
ETH Zurich: «Globe» magazine
Kunsthaus Zurich: «Magazine»
Raiffeisen: Magazine «Savoir Faire»
Brot für alle / Fastenopfer: «Magazin»
Betonsuisse: Magazine «Update»
In the field of brand
Credit Suisse: various brochures/flyers
Edisun: various brochures
Health Department of the Canton of Zurich:
various information and advertising materials
Betonsuisse: various advertising materials for events/occasions
Casino Theatre Zug: various posters/flyers/brochures
Credit Suisse: various brochures/flyers
Edisun: various brochures
Health Department of the Canton of Zurich:
various information and advertising materials
Betonsuisse: various advertising materials for events/occasions
Casino Theatre Zug: various posters/flyers/brochures
In the field of digital publishing
Kunsthaus Zürich: online annual report
Betonsuisse: Microsite
Consulta: Website
UBS: various web formats
Kunsthaus Zürich: online annual report
Betonsuisse: Microsite
Consulta: Website
UBS: various web formats
I supported all projects from the layout realisation, lithography, language adaptations, final artwork phase to the handover of the documents to the printers and the GzD process.
Credit Suisse
Bulletin / Kompass / Values
Bulletin / Kompass / Values

ETH Zürich
Magazin «Globe»
Magazin «Globe»

Magazin «Savoir Faire»
Magazin «Savoir Faire»

Kunsthaus Zürich
Magazin / Kunstvermittlung / Jahresbericht
Magazin / Kunstvermittlung / Jahresbericht